The objective of this presentation will be to provide, for other MBA 663 students, an overview of the legal system in a country with which both Canada and China do significant trade. The presentation should provide other students with an understanding of particular legal risks when doing business with that country.

important!!! My country is Italy!!!

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Your presentation should inform your fellow MBA students on legal risks when doing business with a particular country. While, you are not required to follow a particular format in your presentation, the following are examples of topics you might want to include in your presentation:

· Provide a brief overview of the modern legal system in that country.

· Describe the basis of the legal system (i.e. is it a civil law, common law or another system of law).

· Provide a brief history of the development of the legal system in that country.

· Provide an understanding of the court structure and processes (i.e. where is a case first heard, where is it appealed, what are key procedural rules etc.)

· Are there particular cultural influences on the legal system (i.e. the perspective of a contract varies in different cultures)?

· Does the Constitution of the particular country impact business law?

· Are there key pieces of legislation that impact international companies doing business in that country?

· Are there key rules surrounding contracts in that country that MBA 663 students should be aware?

· How does that particular country protect intellectual property?

· How is employment law different in that country?

· Provide an overview of the key legal risks when doing business with that country.

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