
Please address each question with a target of 600 – 750 words for each question. Please cite all
material referenced (no cutting/pasting of any kind).

1. Explain what the instructor means by Organize or Die by providing specific examples on how the
progression of human learning has impacted societies and organizations throughout human
history. Why might this philosophy be introduced in a database design course?

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2. Explain the structure, characteristics, philosophy, and impact of proper error-handling by
providing specific examples on how and when RAISERROR and THROW are used.

3. Explain the purpose, structure and impact of the various SQL commands known as ‘control of
flow’ language with specific examples.

4. Explain the purpose, structure and impact of a synthetic transaction while referencing a specific

5. Explain the purpose, structure, and impact of the systematic process for designing relational
databases with attention paid to the process and characteristics of each development phase.

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