A research paper on California art

Using Nicholas Riggle’s definitions of “street art” and “graffiti” as a launching point, compare and contrast two (2) works of street art and/or graffiti in California [at least one (1) work must be made by a California-based artist, and both works must be physically located in California]. How would Riggle categorize these works within his definitional subsets of “street art”, “graffiti”, “public art”, etc., if at all? What contradictions or problematics exist in his definitions, as applied to the works in your discussion? Additionally, how do these two works incorporate or refute the public space they inhabit? Discuss the form, composition, and content of each work; their respective locations; and meanings of the works (including your own). Use the 5 art historical criteria to analyze each street/graffiti artwork within your discussion. ( attached below)

I want the writer to focus more to compare and contrast the two works of street art and/or graffiti in California with the five art historical criteria attached.

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Five Art Historical Criteria (for your reference):
1. Subject Matter/Content​ – What is the subject in the artwork? Identify the representational (identifiable figurative elements such as people, animals, etc.) and/or abstract elements of the painting, sculpture or other material artwork.
2. Form​– What are the various shapes, spatial planes, and lighting/shadowing choices made by the artist? What colors does the artist use? How is the viewer placed in relation to the work (in terms of the viewer’s perspective, etc.)?
3. Composition​ – How are objects and forms arranged/put together in relationship to one another, and how do these placements create or reduce depth of space, spur certain correlations or meanings/interpretations, and impact the entire work as a whole?
4. Materials​ – How is the artwork physically made? How do the material(s) used relate to the artist’s work, the historical period, and to the meaning of the work?
5. Historical and Artistic Context​ – How does the historical period of the art work relate to how it was made, to the artist’s influences and experiences, and to the greater social, political and artistic concerns of California and US culture? Was the artist involved in an art movement or group in CA, and if so, how did this involvement impact the work he/she made? (Name art movement or group participation as applicable.)

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