2225 to 2500 words Interactive narrative

I need you to write an interactive narrative of 2250 words to 2500 using power point
Use Zara as the umbrella brand to feature in the bond movie

EON productions was impressed with your TikTok and you have an opportunity to keep pitching for your umbrella brand to be featured in the next Bond film. The producers have asked for some ideas about how your brand portfolio could feature in the film. In order to demonstrate the potential fit of your brand with the Bond brand you now need to create an interactive narrative using PowerPoint.

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2225 to 2500 words Interactive narrative
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Your mission is to create an interactive narrative which features several different possibilities to showcase your various sub-brands in the film. Your interactive narrative has to have a minimum of 3 decision points and eight different potential scenes in order to provide the producers with sufficient alternatives.

There should be some consideration of how you want your brands presented in the film (e.g. visual/aural placement? How long will the brand be on screen? Who will use it? Is it integral to the plot?). A brief explanation of the scenes you are imagining will help you flesh this out. You should also provide some options in terms of the brand placement strategy that you plan to adopt if you are featured in the film (e.g. cross-advertising, product packaging, use of social media, competitions, experiential events, etc.).

In mapping out your interactive narrative it may be useful to use https://twinery.org/
There is a workshop on how to use Twine here: http://selfloud.net/twineWorkshop/TwineWorkshop.html

You are encouraged to use images and/or sounds as part of your PPT.
The final PPT slide(s) will be your bibliography.

Tips for your assignments:
• A thorough analysis of the background of your brand (e.g. what is the USP? Who is the brand targeting? How does it position itself relative to competitors? etc.) is needed in order to achieve high marks. The better you know your brand, the easier it will be for you to build a case for it to appear in Bond.
• You should also consider why your brand wants to be part of the Bond brandscape – what will you gain? This brand placement is an expensive strategy so you should have a clear aim (e.g. change brand positioning, increase brand awareness, target a new market). Generally, the more specific you are, the better.
• Finally, you need to consider – and demonstrate – the fit between your brand and the Bond brand. What will the Bond brand gain from this placement, they can have any brand in the world in the film so why should they choose yours? i.e. what can you provide them that your competitors can’t? The most compelling proposals will clearly demonstrate a win-win partnership where both brands gain something they need.

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