GPH 706 Public Health Administration

Week 4 Assignment: White Paper

Lecture Video : Week 4 Overview and Lecture: Community Partnerships and Constituent Engagement (4 minutes)

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Lecture Video : Week 4 Focused Lecture: Strategies for Engaging the Community (4 minutes)




1.4 (20.00%) – 1.4 (20.00%)

Succinctly and accurately introduces the current state of affairs between the organization and the community

Problem Statement

2.1 (30.00%) – 2.1 (30.00%)

Assesses constituent engagement and partnerships between HCB and key community stakeholders, and identifies specific problems to be addressed


2.1 (30.00%) – 2.1 (30.00%)

Recommends at least three specific actions to build and improve relationships with community stakeholders

Writing Quality

0.7 (10.00%) – 0.7 (10.00%)

Assignment is written in a clear and organized manner, fully addressing the instructions, and the quality of writing is appropriate for a public health professional.

Support of Ideas and AMA Citation

0.7 (10.00%) – 0.7 (10.00%)

Utilizes the appropriate body of evidence to support discussion. All sources are incorporated into student’s writing appropriately and are cited correctly using AMA style.



*Refer to Guide for Writing a White Paper to help you with this assignment.
You are the Public Relations Director for HCB. Develop a 2-3 page “White Paper” for the new Executive Director that will assist him in gaining an understanding of the current state of community relations. As you write the “White Paper”, take into consideration the nine guiding principles for organizations to apply when working with community partners outlined in Chapter 2 of Principles of Community Engagement (Second Edition). Describe your assessment of the current state of constituent engagement and partnerships between HCB and other key stakeholders in the community. Make at least three recommendations for future relationship building with those you believe to be the most important stakeholders in the community. Support your paper with a minimum of two external references.


DUE: Monday, (11/09/2020) end of Week 4, by 11:59pm ET.


GPH 706 Public Health Administration

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