
Choose a site used by the public such as a supermarket, doctor’s office, library, post office, or department store and observe one or more key processes, the associated suppliers, inputs, process steps, outputs, customers, the measurement systems, and how the measurements are used to manage and improve the process. Submit a Word document in which you include the following:

Company visited.
Process observed.
SIPOC elements.
Process measurements.
Process management systems used.

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will have you differentiating typical actions and potential modifications to improve activities, and assessing the overall impact of those improvement efforts.

Recall a work task, hobby, or other activity that you perform regularly.
In a Word document, name the activity and list sequentially the actions you do to complete the activity.
Describe the main differences between doing your activity as you perform it regularly and any variations to those steps you would make to improve your activity.
Reflect on the complexity of your list and the number of steps needed to complete the activity:
Did variation affect your activity?
If so, did the variation cause your activity to be easier or more difficult.

Explain the importance of variation to health care organizations and answer the following questions in a Word document, then submit.

What might the key processes for health care organizations be?
What are common causes of variation that could affect the key processes of health care organizations?
Which special causes might be more important than the others?
How might health care organizations’ business environment be dynamic and change over time?

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