Private network

  • Networks to (172.16/12 prefix) is a 20-bit block of addresses.
Explaining what the changes are subnet devices
  • ^ private network


subnet:  The practice of dividing a network into two or more networks is called subnetting. Computers that belong to a subnet are addressed with an identical most-significant bit-group in their IP addresses. This results in the logical division of an IP address into two fields: the network number or routing prefix and the rest field or host identifier. The rest field is an identifier for a specific host or network interface.

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Private network
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Class B needed because one didn’t allow enough devices for every subnet and trying to reduce the number of subnets.

Using Class b172.16.0.0: gives you adequate number of space for minimal growth for now unless in the future we need to do a big growth and change numbers


Every switch indicates a different subnet

Indicate that we got 7 apps that youre using for your network

Users, New equipment : 60 devices from windows and doors sensors and additional security cameras

Network had to be expanded and do that and to do that and to make it easier for more manageable to the network and figure out where there may be some troubleshooting issues.

Even within your sensors like your doors and windows those fall under the sensors, but they can be added later

Additional 200 computers for the building, 123 devices need an IP Address


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