Juvenile Crime/Delinquency

Juvenile Crime/Delinquency

Article one:

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Juvenile crime is among the modern social issues that have raised concerns over the welfare of future generations. As a result, crime offenders within the juvenile’s population stands out as a major target for crime reduction efforts (Lane, 283). Despite the efforts to mitigate this challenge among the juveniles, the policies depict an advancing trend, thus giving the policymakers a nut to break to effectively address the social problem. In this case, the intervention that would help rehabilitate the juvenile population while equipping them with the right resources would provide the appropriate procedural protections (Lane, 289). Besides, a review of the existing and emerging policies would help initiate a better and amicable solution to address the issue.

Article two:

Juvenile crime invokes shaky stability concerning social welfare, focusing on psychological factors accompanied by a lack of effective communication and drug abuse as the contributing factors. Developing a fundamental idea and framework of the risk factor of juvenile crime through analytic lenses would help establish the root cause while making recommendations on the best course of action. The family setting upon which the child is raised serves as the ideal projector factor of an individual’s likelihood to engage in juvenile crimes. This follows the rationale that parental and moral support helps create a sense of control in a child’s life, contributing to higher levels of productive socialization.

Article three:

Creating a supportive environment towards stability within the social system incorporates reducing juvenile crimes. The family system uniquely provides an important background upon which children establish roots for effective socialization (Ruoyu, 62). As a result, the family would be an important factor to consider while mitigating juvenile delinquency by encouraging personal transformation. A stable individual at a younger age through a supportive family system helps the child retain moral uprightness even at the adult stages. This follows the reasoning that through parenting behaviors, a child adopts culture, values, and social ethics that help them gain moral stability and uprightness (Ruoyu, 62).











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