Income, Balance, Cash Flow

You were encouraged to discuss your financial statements and any accounting questions you have with a business mentor, coach, banker, or other business adviser. Use the information from the learning activities to complete the three primary financial statements. These include income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Microsoft, which all students have access to, has free templates. You are welcome to use the templates from the readings or a free online template of your choice.

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Financial Statement #1 | Income, Balance, Cash Flow
Financial Statement #1 | Income, Balance, Cash Flow
Criteria Ratings Pts

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Income, Balance, Cash Flow
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This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Income Statement
Statement contains calculations for revenue, expenses, etc.

34.0 to >27.0 pts
Above Average

27.0 to >23.0 pts

23.0 to >0 pts
Below Average

34.0 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Balance Sheet Statement
Statement contains calculations for assets, liabilities, and capital

34.0 to >27.0 pts
Above Average

27.0 to >23.0 pts

23.0 to >0 pts
Below Average

34.0 pts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Cash Flow Statement
Statement contain calculations for cash inflows and cash outflows

32.0 to >27.0 pts
Above Average

27.0 to >23.0 pts

23.0 to >0 pts
Below Average

32.0 pts


Total Points: 100.0

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