Harold shipman

Main Research Finding Submission: See above for approaches to his format. The main submission should include the following (this order is suggested but not required):
– Childhood and upbringing. What abnormal challenges did they endure in their youth? Were any red flags or ‘warning signs’ present in their childhood behavior? Did any trauma or negligence occur?
– Early criminal behavior. Did criminal activity – even a criminal record – develop before their first murder?
– First murder(s). Did anything instigate these events? What events occurred that led to the individual to commit such cruel acts? Do we know their initial reaction to their own crimes?
– Psychological insight. Has the serial killer in question been diagnosed with any psychological disorders? What motives did the individual have?
– Modus operandi. Did the serial killer have a particular way of committing their acts? Certain ways they drew-in their victims? A frequent murder weapon?
– Themes of murders. Were there particular types of victims? A geographic area in which the victims were disproportionately targeted?
– Victims. Who was the first victim? What was the impact on the community and families that lost someone dear to them?
– Investigation. How was the serial killer caught? What evidence gave them away? Maybe they’ve yet to be identified or caught – then what mysteries and clues surround the case? What investigative strategies, techniques, gambles, approaches, and methods proved successful? How did investigators stumble? What impeded or caused challenges to the investigation?
– Justice. Was there a criminal conviction for the serial killer? What was their sentence? Did they help in the identification of other serial killers? Is there anything particularly unique about their post-conviction? Last words?

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