The Bad Review – AND – The Bad Review Reply:
Part 1 – The Bad Review – You are the GM of an establishment that had a busy Saturday night save one YELP review that skewered you – The review is found above (YES – this is a real review that I received).
What do Recommend to the owners of the restaurant with regards to this review:
Should you respond – yes or no – If yes – how (it might help to draft your own reply)? – If no – why?

Part 2 – The Bad Review Reply – You are the NEW GM of an establishment. The owners want you to look at how the previous GM responded to a bad review the week prior.
Look at my Bad Review Reply – This was a reply I actually wrote to a guest who, in their mind, mailed me their bad review (one I never received) then proceeded to call my restaurant (according to them) every week for 6 weeks until I answered the phone one afternoon and proceeded to listen to this individual yell at me for a full 30 minutes without stopping!!
The owners want your recommendation as to how you would have handled the complaint:
How do you believe my reply was received by the guest?
Should I have replied – if yes – is there anything you would do differently (again – you might want to write a draft) – if NO – why?

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The best approach to tackle this CSA is to create 2, separate, Recommendations (Part 1 – and – Part 2) with each Recommendation addressing all 7 items below as per the Rubric (found at the end of this document).
Be certain to address all 7 points in the Rubric to support your recommendations for Part 1 AND Part 2.
1.Understanding Complexity
2.Overall Answer/Recommendation
3.Pro’s of your Recommendation
4.Con’s of your Recommendation
5.Calculations (YES – there ARE cost/revenue implications)
6.Short-Term Ramifications
7.Long-Term Ramifications

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