Framing theory Analysis

Please only make an offer if you are knowlegeable about framing theories & willing to use the assigned readings.

Objective: Conduct original frame analysis research on a publication’s news coverage about an issue below.
Key Steps:
• Select ONE of the news topics below (including the outlined publication and time period)
• Use NexisUni database to select a sample of five articles on the topic, using publication and time filters
• Open code the articles (Charmaz, 2006) to determine the dominant frames in each article
• Determine the two overall dominant frames across all five articles.
• Apply framing theory concepts (Entman, 1993; Dobson & Knezevic, 2017) to identify & analyze frames.
• Write up your findings according to the five sections listed below. You may use this paper template.

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News topic options – please pick one issue. The publication and period must be used in the NexisUni search.
A) What are the dominant frames in news coverage of President Donald Trump’s ban on the TikTok app?
Please explore English language articles published by The New York Times from June 1, 2020 – Oct. 16, 2020.
B) What are the dominant frames in news coverage of Covid-19 contact tracing apps and privacy?
Please explore English language articles published by Postmedia Breaking News from June 1, 2020 – Oct. 16, 2020.
C) What are the dominant frames in news coverage of the Trudeau government’s WE scandal?
Please explore English language articles published by The Toronto Star from June 1, 2020 – Oct. 16, 2020.

This assignment requires five sections (plus reference list). Formatting is double-spaced, Times, 12 point font.
1) An Introduction: The first paragraph introduces the news issue that will be analyzed for dominant frames.
Provides the reader with a clear summary of the issue and maps out what the paper will address, including the
dominant frames found in the articles. You may use sources external to pub/date restrictions to summarize issue.
Approx length of section: half or 3⁄4 of a page long. Note these are general suggested lengths – if over/under it’s OK.

2) Search Process and Sampling Method: A paragraph or two that outlines the search process used in NexisUni to
find the selected five articles. Provides specifics about what keywords and filters were used in keeping with the
publication and time specified in the instructions. Explains the sampling method used to select the five articles.
Provides reasoning about why the given sampling method was used (cite Merrigan). Length: 3⁄4 -1 page.

3) Framing Method Explanation: Describes the method of frame analysis that was used to identify dominant frames
in the news articles. Refers to relevant class readings (e.g., Entman; Dobson and Knezevic; Charmaz) to define
‘frames,’ open coding, and what steps were completed to find dominant frames in the articles. Length: ~1-1.5 pages

4) Frame Analysis Discussion: Identifies two dominant frames found in the news sample (e.g., across all five articles).
Explains what the dominant frames are by providing evidence from the news articles. Includes a deeper analysis of
the framing of the news issue, drawing on framing theory discussed earlier in the paper (e.g., Entman’s definition of
frames). Considers how the frames structure audience understandings about the topic. Length: ~2-3 pages.

5) Conclusion: Summarizes key elements of the paper in an engaging and unique way (e.g., doesn’t repeat the intro!)
Tip: Do not introduce new material in the conclusion, such as important analytical discussion. Length: ~half page.

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