Cultural diversity (Seventh Day Adventist)



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Cultural diversity (Seventh Day Adventist)
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Identify and discuss the factors that contribute to heritage consistency in your culture or religion: (ex. religion, beliefs and practices, values and norms)
Describe traditional aspects of healthcare within your culture or religion
Address the demographics of your culture or religion in the United States
Describe barriers to obtaining healthcare that affect your culture or religion.
Describe how your culture’s or religion’s beliefs and norms might impact communication with a healthcare provider

6. Paper should be in your own words, Essay must be two pages, 1-inch margins both sides, top and bottom, 0.5-inch indented paragraphs, double spaced, 12 Times New Roman Font, correct spelling, and grammar. (DO NOT GO OVER TWO PAGES)

7. If you did not get information from textbook you must have a reference page attached to show where obtained your data.

Do not copy and paste from the internet as this is plagiarism and you will receive a zero for the assignment.


This paper is due November 11 at 8:00 am.


Assignment topic: Seventh Day Adventist

Email your essays to the instructor listed above your name.





Culture Paper Rubric


Objectives 1, 2, 4 &5 are worth ten points. Grading is based on the following:


9-10 points: Discusses all aspects of objective in an informative and interesting manner

7-8 points: Discusses the majority information requested in objective

5-6 points: Includes the major specifics requested in the objective, but the discussion leaves out some information

3-4 points: Includes some requested information but leaves out a lot of important information

1-2 points: Mentions the objective, but does not address it much


Objective 3 is worth 5 points if the information is included


Grammar and spelling are worth 5 points





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