Boycott Analysis

Read, view, and apply the materials concerning consumer boycotts posted for Week 8:

Nyiri, Pal. “From Starbucks to Carrefour: Consumer Boycotts, Nationalism and Taste in Contemporary China.” PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 2009, [s.l.], 6(2), pp. 1–25. Read from “‘Why don’t they make some foreigners kneel?’: Consumer boycotts in Chinese media,” to “It’s hard to be high-brow” (pp.9–20).

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Boycott Analysis
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Kang, Jiyeon. “A volatile public: The 2009 Whole Foods boycott on Facebook.” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 56 (4), 2012, pp. 562–577.

-“Boycott South African Goods.” Forward to Freedom: the history of the British anti-apartheid movement 1959-1994:

-“What Is Blackout Day 2020? Everything to Know About the July 7 Boycott Urging People to Not Spend Money.” Money:


Analyze a recent or current consumer boycott.
Demonstrate you have read and understood the boycott readings by comparing and contrasting the boycott you are analyzing to the ones described in the articles.

Format: The assignment should be written with an essay structure (introduction including clear thesis statement, supporting paragraphs using ideas from the course material, conclusion, works cited page).

Some questions to consider (don’t limit yourself to these alone):
Does the boycott exist purely online (ex. as a hashtag) or is it connected to a grassroots organization(s) or social movement(s)?
How does digital technology help or hinder the boycott’s aims?
Is the boycott aimed at advancing social justice or does it have a different motivation? If so, what is the motivation?

Boycott selection: In light of this tumultuous year of protest movements, there are many fresh boycotts. Some recent possible boycotts to look at: Nestle, Amazon, Black Lives Matter-related boycotting, Middle Eastern boycott of French Products, boycotts of Chinese products, BDS Israel boycott, boycotts of companies partnering with the NRA, boycotts of anything Trump (Trump’s companies, Ivanka Trump’s clothing line, etc). Basically you can google around major companies, or recent controversies, and you’re likely to stumble upon a boycott.

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