Beowulf 8

8 个未读答复。
8 个答复。

Make sure to read my lecture on this material. After reading my lectures and the work on pages 836-912 of the Norton Anthology, you must answer one of these but you can answer more. After you post, you must also respond, or add, to another poster’s response.

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Beowulf 8
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1. How is the Anglo-Saxon idea of the hero different from the other heroes we have studied? How is it similar?

Alternatively, how is the genre of the heroic epic similar and different between the Anglo-Saxon culture and other cultures we have studied?


2. What is the role of monsters in the poem? Do they do or mean anything more than give the hero something to fight?


3. Why does the third episode take place fifty years after the first two? What effect does this have on the poem?


4. What is the role of women in the poem? Explain?


5. Explain why so much time is spent telling the audience about the cup-thief in the dragon episode.

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