Applying Theory to Crime.

I created these examples. None of these models are from the students.  


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Applying Theory to Crime.
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  • Example 1: Writer does not apply the crime to the theory.Score range 1-2.5



“Procedural justice in the retributive theory consists of a fact-finding system. It also believes that offenders should have the right to a trial. The judge or jurors in court proceedings should remain neutral.”


This reads like a paper about the retributive theory of justice and does not apply it to the crime.


This range also includes papers with incorrect information, extensive grammatical errors, or missing information




  • Example 2: Writer largely summarizes the theory at length and provides a very short application to the crime. Score range 3-low 4


“Distributive justice in the retributive theory emphasizes the role of proportionate punishment. In other words, the punishment must be equal to the crime. This notion is solidified through the concept of ‘just deserts’. Per this model, this is the only justifiable way to amend breaches of the social contract. Therefore, Blanco Garcia should receive life imprisonment.”


This example contains correct information, but it mostly summarizes the theory and then adds in a sentence or two about applying the theory to the crime.


This range also includes people with one missing component (references) or an incorrect portion, such as the introduction.


  • Example 3: Writer explains the concepts of the theory by applying them to the crime. Range High 4, 4.5, 5


(Procedural Justice portion) “In a hypothetical criminal justice system that operates under the retributive model, Blanco Garcia would be subject to a fact-finding process in court. Garcia’s due process rights would be protected and he would receive counsel if needed. The court procedure would consist of an adversarial process in which Garcia would win or lose. The outcome of Garcia’s case would be decided by neutral actors, such as, a judge or jurors.”


The writer uses most, if not all the aspects of procedural justice under the retributive theory in the example and does so by applying them directly to the crime.




If you follow model 3 for the other theories, proofread, and correctly apply everything on the checklist, you will be in the 4.5-5 range.

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