Answer questions in humanity.



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Answer questions in humanity.
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Each question is worth 33.33%. Each answer should be in essay format, with a length of between 200-300 words. All references to the texts and other course materials should be documented by citations in MLA style. No direct quotations of more than a few words are permitted. Each test should include a Works Cited page. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES ARE TO BE USED.


SECTION A: Discuss ONE of the following terms from the material covered in class. Briefly identify the term and then indicate what text(s) it is found in. Explain its significance with respect to the text(s) it occurs in and how it relates to other course terms and broader course themes.


SECTION B: Discuss ONE of the following quotations. Indicate where exactly in the text this passage occurs and explain the context. Identify any course terms found in the quotation. Show how the passage relates to one or more course terms and wider themes. Identify what kind of text it is (i.e. genre) and what you think its purpose and audience might have been.


SECTION C: Discuss ONE of the images. Briefly identify what is shown in the image and note what course terms or themes it relates to. Describe how these terms or themes are represented and why they are important.

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