ACCG 5150 Accounting Information Systems

ACCG 5150 Accounting Information Systems


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ACCG 5150 Accounting Information Systems
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Assignment 7

Due date: November 10th, 2020, 3pm

Create a dashboard in MS Excel. Feel free to use any Data Set or Table. The data t should have at least 100 rows.

Your dashboard should meet the following minimum criteria:


  1. Must be easy to read and informative.
  2. Combines data from different tables or datasets. If you chose to work with one large data set, ensure that you are making use and measuring most of the information provided.
  3. Provides an at-a-glance understanding of key measures.
  4. The dashboard should be interactive – make use of Slicers to allow the user to change information for their own needs.
  5. Your dashboard should include at least 4 Charts, 3 Slicers, and 3 different colours. Slicers must be connected to your charts.
  6. One worksheet named “Information” should have a brief explanation of the data that your dashboard is illustrating and what is summarising. The information should be inserted as a Textbox in MS Excel.


Figure 1: This is a visual sample

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