Water resources in your province

1. Contact the provider of tap water in your region, and establish where the water comes from, is it groundwater or surface water? what are the water resources in your area?
2.How is water processed in your region?
3.What are major water quality issues in your area? are there any problems with pollution or contamination?
4. are there any environmental concerns associated with the extraction of water by the water supplier?
5. What are the future trends with regard to water in your area? Will additional supplies be required?


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Water resources in your province
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You are required to conduct a literature review as background information, You may use the internet,
the Project should be between 10 to 15 pages long, including figures. Where appropriate, you are free to use diagrams such as graphs, sketches, pictures, or other suitable visual illustrations.you may also use statistical data if it’s available. Write clearly, using complete sentences and paragraphs, use relevant headings. and subheadings to organize your ideas and discussions,

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