Senior Research      

CSC 450, Senior Research                                    

Research Outline

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  1. Write an outline for your paper, by completing the template below. An outline consists of section headings, subheadings, and bullet points. Each bullet point should be a single sentence that will be expanded on when you write your paper. If appropriate, an alternate set of section headings can be used with my approval. The Results section contains an unbiased presentation of the results (a direct presentation of the data from following the methods), and also includes new methods or descriptions of simulations, if this is part of the research. TheDiscussion sectioninterprets the results, puts them in the context of the topic, and discusses their significance, limitations, and future work (see notes for an example).


Using the template below, add your project title and name(s), and replace all bullet points in italics.



Project Title: Dynamic Web Based En-route Timetable Generator







  1. Introduction (must includeat least 2 citations in IEEE format)


  1. Background (add at least 2 facts that provide necessary background)


  1. Transit agencies are always searching for more efficient automation of route timetable information that will always accommodate route changes in case there are uncertainties that can occur along the way


  1. Most of the current tools used for generating route timetable doesn’t provide the customers or the driver with real dynamic information on the transit schedules that cater to any uncertainty along the way.


  1. Problem statement / objective / hypothesis


  1. The public when not informed early enough on the changes in timetable schedules they label the transit agency as inefficient, unreliable, and inconvenient [1]


  1. Significance (add at least 2 points that describe the significance of your specific project)


  1. This project is going to develop a tool that will dynamically load route schedule timetable tool to a website that can be easily accessed by passengers in a variety of ways [2].
  2. With the emergence of new technologies such as internet-enabled mobile phones and websites dissemination of information is instant therefore these tools are going to take advantage of these technologies to create a dynamic schedule timetable that will enable the transit agencies to relay schedule data route information accurately and in a timely manner.



  1. Materials and Methods (add at least 4 points describing the methodology in detail)


  1. Research design will employ the use of empirical field survey data to collect data on transport users and transport agencies.


  1. Study area will be selected where the survey will be done to determine how route scheduling is done


  1. Stratified and simple random sampling will be used to select respondents who will be used for the research.


  1. Data collection procedures will be done through administering of questionnaires. The questionnaire will consist of structured and unstructured questionnaires. The questionnaires helps the researcher to obtain important information on route scheduling from the users and the transport agencies.




  • Results (describe at least 3 figures or tables that will be presented; figures may include screen shots of code output, or diagrams describing an aspect of a method, like the room arrangement used in a simulation of evacuation. These should be described in detail. Most figures will take the form of graphs that present data — descriptions for these must include x and y values; table descriptions must include descriptions of columns and




  1. Figure or table description















Presents real time traffic flow data from traffic sensors equipped on a street to road network GIS data base. All data on driving time from traffic sensors is generated by one xml file. Each minute, a new xml file is generated. Accordingly, xml file road network database is updated periodically in 5 minutes.










  1. Figure or table description























The figure above discloses a route planning activity diagram of a user information system that searches the quickest route and gives out the results

  1. Figure or table description #3



















Route suggestion in different situation based on traffic data given on a Google map.




  1. Discussion (related work includes at least 2 citations in IEEE format)


  1. Summary of your main (expected)findings


  1. The tool will demonstrate the benefits of using the dynamic en route timetable generator since most of the transport agencies use the traditional fixed timetable. This tool is going to assists the transit agencies with a rapid and accurate timetable data that will cater for all the uncertainty along the way thus offering alternative route [3]


  1. By using this dynamic en route timetable generatorusers get a reliable and convenient travelling experience devoid of any uncertainty.


  1. Related work (describe and cite atleast 2 related findings that will be discussed in the context of your results)


  1. most of the transport agencies have not factored in the use of dynamicWeb-Based En-Route Timetable Generator


  1. one of the findings is that only the aviation industryhas implemented the dynamic en-route timetable generator unlike road and rail users


  1. Limitations (include at least 2 limitations related to your project)


  1. In case of an emergency or an event of a natural disaster or event, the tool will demand for immediatereplanning of the route thus inconveniencing customers in term of delays if the route is long.[4]



  1. To get the transport agencies to allow the tool to be tested on their platform will be quite a challenge since it is a prototype.





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