Planning for Growth


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Student Name/ID Number  
Unit Number and Title 42 Planning for Growth
Academic Year 2020/2021
Unit Tutor  
Assignment Title Investing in the Future
Issue Date  
Submission Date  
IV Name & Date  


Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1Analyse the key considerations SMEs should consider when evaluating growth opportunities

LO2 Assess the various methods through which organisations access funding and when to use differenttypes of funding

LO3 Develop a business plan (including financials) and communicate how you intend scaling up a business

LO4Assess the various ways a small business owner can exit the business and the implications of each option

Assignment Brief and Guidance
Your submission is in two parts.


Part A is an analysis, discussion and critical evaluation of the potential growth opportunities a business owner may pursue, the preparation of a business plan to realise these opportunities together with recommendations for sources of funding.

Part B is an advisory report appraising the exit or succession options available to the owner, explaining the benefits and drawbacks of each option and coming to a recommendation.






You have been asked to produce a business plan including analysis and recommendations for a small business which is hoping to grow.  Select a business, this need not be complex and it could be a small business, such as a local service (e.g. a new coffee shop or an online, product sales business).  You are expected to advise the business through your individual report.  After which, you are expected to advise the business through your individual report.


You should choose something that interests you personally or where you may have some existing knowledge or access to resources and skills through personal networks.



Part A is in the form of an individual written report.  This should be written in a concise formal business style using single spacing and font size 12.  You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.  Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.  The recommended word limit is 2,000 – 2,500 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.

Part A, your report should;

LO1Analyse the key considerations SMEs should consider when evaluating growth opportunities

LO2 Assess the various methods through which organisations access funding and when to use differenttypes of funding

LO3Develop a business plan (including financials) and communicate how you intend scaling up a business.

In meeting the requirements of the learning outcomes as above; your report should include:


•              An explanation of the basis of competitive advantage for the business.

•              An assessment of the opportunities available to the business.

•              An assessment of the options for growth, applying Ansoff’s growth vector matrix with an   assessment of the risk of each option.

•              An assessment of the options for financing growth.

•               A recommendation for the business.

Assignment Brief and Guidance
Following on from Part A, prepare an appraisal of the exit or succession options for the business or social enterprise, explaining the benefits and drawbacks of each option and coming to a recommendation.

Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 1,000–1,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Part B, the submission is in the form of an individual report.  This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12.  Your are required to make use of headings, papagraphs and subsections as appropriate and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.  Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.  The recommended word limit is 1500 – 2000 owrds, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.


Part B, your report should address;


LO4 Assess the various ways a small business owner can exit the business and the implications of each option.















Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Analyse the key considerations SMEs should consider when evaluating growth opportunities D1 Critically evaluate specific options and pathways for growth, taking into account the risks of each option and how they can be mitigated.
P1 Analyse key considerations for evaluating growth opportunities and justify these considerations within an organisational context.

P2 Evaluate the opportunities for growth applying Ansoff’s growth vector matrix.

M1 Discuss the options for growth using a range of analytical frameworks to demonstrate the understanding of competitive advantage within an organisational context.
LO2 Assess the various methods through which organisations access funding and when to use different types of funding D2 Critically evaluate potential sources of funding with justified argument for the adoption of a particular source or combination of sources, based on organisational needs.
P3 Assess the potential sources of funding available to businesses and discuss benefits and drawbacks of each source. M2 Evaluate potential sources of funding and justification for the adoption of an appropriate source of funding for a given organisational context.
LO3 Develop a business plan (including financials) and communicate how you intend scaling up a business D3 Present a coherent and detailed business plan that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of how to formulate, apply and achieve business objectives successfully.
P4 Design a business plan for growth that includes financial information and strategic objectives for scaling up a business. M3 Develop an appropriate and detailed business plan for growth and securing investment, setting out strategic objectives, strategies and appropriate frameworks for achieving objectives.
LO4 Assess the various ways a small business owner can exit the business and the implications of each option D4 Provide critical evaluation of the exit or succession options for a small business and decide an appropriate course of action with justified recommendations to support implementation.
P5 Assess exit or succession options for a small business explaining the benefits and drawbacks of each option. M4 Evaluate exit or succession options for a small business comparing and contrasting the options and making valid recommendations.


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