MBA Admission Essay

Requesting a 2 page essay in order to meet the admission requirement of a US University. 2 pages with about 550 word count and 4 or 5 references in APA format.

The Business Administration essay must address information about your reasons for pursuing graduate study and for choosing this specific program in the College of Business. Other information that may have impacted your decision to pursue graduate study or deemed important to individual or educational and professional goals may be included.

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MBA Admission Essay
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1. Education:

Master of Science in Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Additionally acquired 20 credit hours towards master of science in project management.

Bachelor of Commerce

Diploma in Electrical Engineering

2. Professional Experience: 20 years in procurement and supply chain management

3. Travelled Internationally for business.

Essay Purpose: University admission in the USA, Master of Business Administration

Educational goal: Gain Master of Business Administration degree, first for professional advancement and secondly to set up my own business leveraging the knowledge and tools enabled from the MBA studies.

please email me if you need any additional information.



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