Kindred Writing

You can rewrite a section of a chapter

o This works best if you choose a specific scene to rewrite. Do you wish it had gone differently? Do you think a character made the wrong choice? Rewrite the scene as you think it should have gone. You must make major changes to the scene—do not just change a few words and expect me to accept that as your original assignment.

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No matter what option you choose, here are the requirements:

1. MLA format—just because this is not an essay, I still need you to use MLA format.

2. No matter what option you choose, the full assignment must equal THREE PAGES MINIMUM

a. You may do a MAXIMUM of five pages—I will stop reading at this point.

3. CITE: Just because this is not an essay, that does not mean you shouldn’t give Butler credit. Let your audience know that your work is based off of Butler’s work, just like any fanfiction would do.

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