Design a Brochure on Workplace Communication

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Assignment: Design a Brochure on Workplace Communication


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Design a Brochure on Workplace Communication
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In this assignment, you will create a brochure that you could use in a workplace setting, explaining and illustrating some of the positive and negative ways to communicate in the workplace. Your brochure should include pictures or graphics and provide at least three resources where individuals can discover more about the topic of workplace communication.

Length: 4 pages, including at least three resources


Resources/References/Links to video

How to Make a Brochure That Looks Professional. Wikihow.


Films Media Group. (2012). Business etiquette: Professionalism 101Films On Demand.


Business management & customer service: Effective team communication skills. You Tube.


Bryant, A. (2009, February 3). Team WORK or team communication? Self Leadership Coaching Blog.




Communication in Groups

Communicating in groups is inevitable. Almost every career involves teams or groups in the workplace, and many people volunteer or participate in other groups such as athletic or service groups. This week you will explore communication in a workplace group.

The challenges of group communication begin with bringing together a group of individuals who have different cultural backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. From there, they need to work to accept each other, establish roles within the group, create a group identity, and then agree upon and work toward a common goal.

Establishment of roles within the group also is critical to its success. It is common to have a leader, either appointed or emergent, in a group to direct its efforts. Leadership differs from management because leadership involves inspiring substantive changes, where management is concerned with order and stability. How effective a leader is dependent upon his or her communication skills to build and maintain relationships, to focus group members on the shared goal, and provide support to motivate when necessary.

Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You will be expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.

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