Cardio and flexibility.

Create a useable full body workout, over 1 week, which includes resistance, cardio and flexibility. The intent is to get you moving toward your immediate goals this week. Continue to upgrade and enhance the routine in order to meet secondary goals by the end of the term.

This assignment is giving you the opportunity to set and meet health goals long after this course has ended. This is about a lifetime lifestyle change, if you choose.

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Cardio and flexibility.
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Your plan must include resistance, cardio and flexibility submitted in a table format and submitted on 1 file (WORD DOC, Excel, or PDF). Several sample files have been provided to give you an idea how to get started and you may use it if you choose. You can use home exercises, workout videos, whatever you are able to do, right now.



  1. State type of workout(for example, full body circuit, upper body/lower body split, push/pull split, 3 day split, etc).
  2. State goals
  3. Resistance
    1. Label the primary body part worked and the exercise chosen. Minimum of one exercise for each of the following body parts:chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, core, hamstrings, quads, and calves. You need to know your muscle groups even if you are doing a home workout.
    2. The exercise must be appropriate for the stated primary body part. For example, a pull up is a back exercise not a bicep exercise; push- ups are for chest not triceps.
    3. Use FITT principle….
      1. Frequency – how often (number of times per week),
      2. Intensity – how hard (sets and repetitions),
  • Time – how long (**Time is not essential for traditional weight training. this is more for circuits at 40 sec interval or isometric holds etc).
  1. Type – what kind of exercise (cable bicep curls, or dumbbell flat bench).
  1. Cardio
    1. Use FITT principle….
      1. Frequency – how often (number of times per week),
      2. Intensity – (% of max heart rate or actual beats per min, and mileage can also demonstrate intensity),
  • Time – how long (30min, 60min, etc.)
  1. Type – what kind of exercise (run, walk, bike, swim, etc).
  1. Calculate target heart rate– state what method you used – age predicted max or resting heart rate reserve.
  2. Flexibility
  3. State time of hold
  4. Minimum of 3 stretches




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