
It’s the first thing that’s due tonight but it’s related to the one below it. I need the proposal tonight but I’ll eventually need the final paper done too. Just have that in mind. Thanks


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Proposal for Final Paper Due –Wednesday, November 4th at 11:59pm to Blackboard.

Prepare a half-page proposal for final paper, which should be at least 300 words in length and lay out the topic, the significance of the topic, and the examples you will be using. It should be in complete sentences and is not just an outline of the final paper, but more of a self-contained abstract that specifies what you will write about in the final paper, its significance, and some examples of Buddhist teachings and/or practices you will be using.

Final Paper Due date: Wednesday, November 11th, at 11:59pm to Blackboard

Complete a final paper. You have too options as explained below:


(1) Share the autobiography of your own religious journey or spiritual journey. Comment upon the practices, symbols, customs, liturgical ceremonies, art (e.g., religious icons), or music (e.g., worship music) that form and inform your attitudes and convictions. Next, explain how you would be able to nurture and cultivate your own religious belief or spirituality in your everyday life after learning Buddhist wisdom. Length: 6–8 pages (minimum word count of 1,800, maximum word count of 2,600), excluding title and reference pages.


(2) Using at least three references, write an essay in which you comment on the relationship between Buddhist teachings and today’s world based on an interdisciplinary perspective (e.g., consumerism and Buddhist teachings, ecology and Buddhist wisdom, Buddhism and gender issues, etc.) Length: 6–8 pages (minimum word count 1,800, maximum word count of 2,600), excluding title and reference pages.

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