World Regional Geography

Background: Any statement made about a region as politically and culturally complex as South Asia can be countered with an opposite statement that is equally true:

There are massive cities, and the rural population is huge;
many people have no phones, but information technology is flourishing;
there is much religious conflict, yet the region is a center for religious enlightenment;
the status of women is generally low, however 50 percent of the countries in this region have had women heads of state;
a rural population dependent on monsoon rains for agriculture, yet the monsoons damages infrastructure of urbanites.

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World Regional Geography
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Instructions: Choose such a contradiction listed above and research both aspects using both your textbook and reliable source (can be online or a person from a South Asian country).

Write an essay that summarizes both aspects of the contradiction.
Predict which will prevail in the future of this region. Defend your prediction.
A minimum of 250 words, use at least one key term (in bold) from the text!

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