Thesis Statements

Thesis Statements

Your Observation

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Thesis Statements
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Your Opinion

The Significance


  1. Determine Your Topic

What’s the general category of your essay? (For this example we will use Writing Thesis Statements.)

  1. State an Observation

What do you know about your topic? (This Example:Developing a thesis statement is difficult for most students.)

  1. State Your Opinion

What is the one thing about your topic that you believe is true? If you don’t know, take the time to map out your topic. (This Example: A strong thesis statement is integral to writing an intelligent essay.)

  1. Give the Significance

Why do you think your opinion is correct? What is the good to be gained by your position? (This Example: A thesis statement provides focus and cohesion to the entire essay.)

  1. Put Them Together

Observation + Significance + Opinion = Thesis (not always in this order)(This Example: Developing a thesis statement is difficult for most students, but because a thesis statement provides focus and cohesion to the entire essay, a strong thesis statement is integral to writing an intelligent essay.)


Additional: Think of a Qualification

Is there a valid argument against your position? Some questions that might help: A. Is what you say always true? B. Are there exceptions? C. Are there good reasons your position will have a downside? D. What reasons would your position have any problems, and can you admit them up front? (This Example: Some students find writing thesis statements easy…)

If you are using a qualification, it will usually come first in the thesis statement. (This Example: Even though some students find writing thesis statements easy, developing a thesis statement is difficult for most students, but because a thesis statement provides focus and cohesion to the entire essay, a strong thesis statement is integral to writing an intelligent essay.)

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