Literature review research

What do you know about your IV and DV? Can you answer your question or not? If so, what article did you cite most frequently and why did you select it? If not, what methodology might you use to generate an answer to your question?
a. Begin this section with some speculation as to why you think your IV is going to address your population’s specific problem.
b. Discuss what you know about your IV in general. Start by discussing your IV within the broader populous, and work your way down to discussing your IV among your population. Remember, in this section you are only discussing what you know about your IV and its impact on various outcomes (i.e., on various DVs that aren’t necessarily yours). Take a few paragraphs to SYNTHESIZE and CRITIQUE the body of literature; avoid summarizing individual studies. End this section with an article pertaining to your IV AND your DV so you can transition into the next section.
c. Begin this section by discussing what you know about your DV. Start by discussing your DV within the broader populous, and work your way down to discussing your DV among your population. Remember, in this section you are only discussing what you know about your DV in general. Take a few paragraphs to SYNTHESIZE and CRITIQUE the body of literature; avoid summarizing individual studies.
d. Finally, take a few pages to discuss what you know about the relationship between your IV and DV. This is where you generate an ANSWER to your question.
e. Reflect on next steps. Did you generate an answer to your question? If so, what do you do with it? If not, what methodology might you implement to generate an answer?

*This section is usually eight to twelve pages in length. You are expected to bring in several citations for claims and arguments made throughout your critique of the literature. You can find an example of what a literature review should look like in any peer-reviewed, published journal article you find.

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