Is online learning or in-person learning the better way to learn?

the possible essay is a topic you can choose to write one of them

This essay will be 3-4 pages in length in addition to the title page, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins. The pages should be numbered in the top right-hand corner of each page and you should have an appropriate information header and essay title. This essay requires at least one outside source and a proper reference page.

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Is online learning or in-person learning the better way to learn?
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Possible Argumentative Essay Topics:

1. Are dating apps like Tinder worthwhile?

2. Is online learning or in-person learning the better way to learn?

3. Which are better pets, dogs or cats?

4. Is testing products on animals ethical?

5. Are Covid-19 safety measures (ex. masks) effective?

6. Should we be concerned with climate change?

7. Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

8. Who should and/or will win the United States’ federal election?

9. Are public protests and/or movements (ex. Black Lives Matter) effective?

10. Should there be a class-specific to cultural diversity around the world in primary and/or secondary school?

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