Introduction To Information Management

As we have pointed out and reiterated over and over, technology can be an important enabler of business success in promoting more effective and efficient information management, optimizing organizational processes and providing the foundation for innovation.

There are countless success stories from applications of technology in areas such as supply chain management, customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning and business process re-engineering. However, there have been “dark times” also as not all applications of technology have worked out as intended or hoped and many companies have lost millions of dollars from failures in applications of technology.

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Introduction To Information Management
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Your assignment requires you to conduct research and report on one major success story and one major failure story resulting from applications of technology in any one of the areas specified above. Your narrative should consist of two paragraphs; one to report the success story and one to report the failure story and should not exceed one page of 1.5 line spacing text.

Provide clear, meaningful, detailed information in reporting your stories as the purpose of your narrative is to inform.

Google Glass will be my major fail story:

Sephora is the company I’m looking as the major success story. Please see link below:

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