Conference-Appropriate Poster Presentation

Signature Assignments:
Students will prepare a detailed, conference-ready poster presentation. The poster must address the following elements:
• An identified research question related to education,
• An introduction to the case study (can
be based upon field work or a journal
• A methodology section with detailed
description of the methods, instruments,
and synthesized results and,
• An evidence-based action plan.


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Conference-Appropriate Poster Presentation
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All submissions must be submitted using MS Word, Adobe PDF, Youtube, Prezi, or Powerpoint;

Please use Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial fonts;
For visual submissions, please use neutral or primary color palettes;
For video presentations, please upload the link to the Youtube page;
Please use a 12-point font setting if submitting a written proposal;
A title page and headers are not necessary for written proposals;
Submissions must adhere to APA 7th Edition formatting rules for in-text citations and a reference page (when applicable).

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