C150 Worksheet 5
C150 Worksheet 5: Chapter 6 and 7(20 pts).
Please answer the questions below usingBlue text.
Chapter 6 Short Answer Questions: ½ pt. each
- What does the prefix sarco- mean?
- What are the body locations of skeletal muscle?
- What organ contains cardiac muscle?
- What are the body locations of smooth muscle?
- Single, cylindrical, multinucleated, striated cells are in which type of muscle tissue?
- Striated, uninucleated, branched cells are typical of which type of muscle tissue?
- Single, nonstriated, fusiform cells are typical characteristics of which type of muscle tissue?
- Which type or type(s) of muscle tissue are involuntary?
- The ends of the epimysium extend beyond the muscle into a strong, cordlike structure composed of mostly collagen is called:
- List 4 functions of muscles described on page 185:
- Describe the sarcolemma.
- Thick filaments are made of the protein:
- Thin filaments are made of the protein:
- During muscle contraction, which zone disappear as actin and myosin filaments overlap?
- Name the part of the skeletal muscle that stores and releases calcium:
- View Figure 6.5 page 189. The neurotransmitter that diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors in the sarcolemma is called:
- One neuron and all of the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates is called a:
- Which ions enter into the muscle cell during the generation of an action potential?
- During a skeletal muscle contraction, a cross bridge is formed when the myosin heads attach to:
- What is the role of acetylcholinesterase?
- What is a muscle twitch?
- What is muscle fatigue?
- Describe muscle tone?
- Does aerobic exercise cause muscles to increase in size?
- What is resistance exercise or isometric exercise?
- Name the facial muscle that is used to whistle or blow a trumpet:
- Which muscle of the face produces the “sad clown” face?
- Name the muscle that inserts at the olecranon process of the ulna that functions to extend the elbow:
- Name the muscles that cover the lower back which extends and adducts the humerus and are important in the power stroke as in swimming:
- Large hip muscle that extends the hip and the origin is the sacrum and ilium:
Chapter 7 questions: ½ point each. Use blue text for the answers.
- Which neuroglial cells forms the blood brain barrier?
- Which neuroglial cells dispose of debris in the nervous system?
- Which neuroglial cell is responsible for forming cerebral spinal fluid?
- A myelin sheath encloses the axon of a neuron. What is the advantage of an axon being myelinated?
- When an axon is depolarized, sodium ions cross into or out of the axon?
- Define action potential.
- What is a reflex?
- List the 4 major regions of the brain:
- The cerebrum consists of these lobes: frontal, parietal and:
- Describe the Primary motor area of the brain:
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