Argumentative Essay


This essay will be 3-4 pages in length in addition to the title page, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins. The pages should be numbered in the top right hand corner of each page and you should have an appropriate information header and essay title. This essay requires at least one outside sources and a proper references page.

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Argumentative Essay
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Possible Argumentative Essay Topics:

  1. Are dating apps like Tinder worthwhile?
  2. Is online learning or in-person learning the better way to learn?
  3. Which are better pets, dogs or cats?
  4. Is testing products on animals ethical?
  5. Are Covid-19 safety measures (ex. masks) effective?
  6. Should we be concerned with climate change?
  7. Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
  8. Who should and/or will win the United States’ federal election?
  9. Are public protests and/or movements (ex. Black Lives Matter) effective?
  10. Should there be a class specific to cultural diversity around the world in primary and/or secondary school?


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