Project Proposal Checklist
Psyc 201W – Project Proposal Checklist
Student Investigator: _______________________________
Lab day and time: __________________________________
In your proposal be sure that you’ve specified:
otopic area
orationale for your study
ohypothesis to be tested
ovariables – dependent and independent variables
odesign of the study – between subjects / repeated measures / mixed?
oprocedure to be used to obtain the data
ohow the variables will be operationalized
oparticipants – who, and how many
o information and instructions to be given to subjects
Attach all questionnaires and test materials you will use in your proposed study.
Include your Introduction/Literature Review, containing at least five primary sources.
Have you read Passer’s chapter regarding ethics, and do you agree to abide by the ethical principles discussed there? (Yes/No) ________
Signed: ___________________________ Date submitted: _____________________
REMEMBER: Before you begin data collection, you must be IN POSSESSION of this form, signed by your TA, AND the approved Ethics Checklist form.
Signed (TA): _______________________________________

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