Performance Appraisals

Special Decision #4 – Performance Appraisals
Your team needs to submit a 1-page report indicating your team’s response to the critical incident AND explaining your team’s rationale for your decision with regards to the critical incident. The critical incident reports should be typed using Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1” margins and maximum of one page in length (works cited can be a separate page).

Grading rubric:
Formatting – 0-2 points (see above)
Decision – 0-4 points – Clearly indicated, discussed relative merits of the decision
Support – 0-4 points – Evidence and examples from class or outside sources to demonstrate why there are strengths and weaknesses, discussion of best practices
**All sources must be cited – If the idea isn’t yours, give credit to the owner. Rule of thumb – if something isn’t common knowledge, it should be cited

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Performance Appraisals
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