Inclusion and Participation of People with Disabilities in Community

Below are comments from my professor advising me on what the committee is expecting or looking forward to seeing in my thesis.

The attached file is the actual thesis. Please kindly read through this and provide your comments or recommendations.

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Inclusion and Participation of People with Disabilities in Community
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Hi ,

I have been speaking with your thesis committee and we all agree that there are elements of your thesis that need more work:

Your thesis is interesting, but it needs some more work. It has been edited up to page 19

This is what was noticed in the rest of the manuscript.

I indented paragraphs and added more information in the rest of the chapters (but no editing).

You need to do a comprehensive editing of the document.

All of the chapters need an Introduction and a Conclusion

Chapter 1 needs a section on the chapter overview (abstract of each chapter).

All of the empirical chapters need 8-10 research findings (typically 8-10 pages)

Chapter 8 seems to be the Conclusions chapter but it has a lot of data in it. I don’t know if it is another empirical chapter and he needs to add a short 5-page chapter 9 with overall key findings, and future research sections OR keep the findings that are there and move the data to some other chapter(s). The former might be cleaner (adding chapter 9).

It would have helped if you had looked at past disabilities theses and followed their template.

Overall, using these notes please follow the document rules and edit as required according to your own expertise

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