
Class 8 – Final Presentation

From the set of financial statements for the entity you have selected do the following calculations:

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  1. Describe the entity, their business and any affiliates
  2. Calculate the current ratio for both years, what is the trend and how does the entity compare to the benchmark on page 185?
  3. Calculate Days in AR and Days cash on hand for both years, what is the trend and how does that compare to benchmark on page 185?
  4. Calculate Operating Margin for bothyears, what is the trend, and how does that compare to benchmark?
  5. Provide some Revenue, expense and profitability ratios. This would be average revenue per discharge, expense per discharge.  If your entity doesn’t have inpatient beds pick another thing to measure against revenue and expenses.
  6. How is the entities age of assets compared to a benchmark?
  7. Does the entity owe too much money?
  8. Describe the entity’s charity care.
  9. Describe the entity’s payor mix from the section on credit risk.
  10. What was the net increase in cash?Describe the information on the cash flow statement.
  11. What is the ratio of net patient service ratio to total revenue?
  12. Describe the net assets section of the balance sheet and how it changed from prior year.

Once you have done this, prepare a Powerpoint presentation telling the story of the financial position of the entity reviewing the highlights of what the entity does, the balance sheet, statement of financial position and cash flow statement.  Tell the story by interpreting the meaning behind the calculations above.  Give your opinion as to what would be your concerns (if any) or really strong points of the entity if you were the Chief Financial Officer, if you were a loan officer at a bank and the entity was looking for them to provide them a loan and from the point of view of someone in the community.  See the rubric for all areas you should cover in your final presentation.

This should be similar to the example we did with Concord Hospital.  See the example for that if you need more guidance.




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