Case Study/Book Review

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a cautionary tale that reflects the inherent contradiction between the stated purpose of medical research, which is to provide benefit to human kind, and the reality of blatant profiteering in the name of advancement of science. The tragedy of the Henrietta Lacks saga should remind us all, especially those in the medical profession, that we have a responsibility to protect those we serve.
· Several ethical issues arise in this book: identify at least two ethical issues that arise in the Henrietta Lacks case. What could have been done differently?
· Within the report cite at least 3 current (last five years) peer-reviewed research articles that focus on the ethical issues that you address. These sources should correlate with your subject content. Please do not hesitate to utilize additional sources.
· The report is to be APA format, word processed utilizing a font no greater than 12 with 1-inch margins and double-spaced with page numbers. The amount of student written material (excluding the Title Page and References) must total at least 3-5 pages. You will be graded on overall coverage of the subject and readability of the report. Points will be deducted for spelling and grammar.

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Case Study/Book Review
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