
Research your assigned topic – Asthma and include responses to each of the following criteria:

Presentation & Diagnosis
What are the subjective findings (symptoms that the patient reports, ex: SOB) associated with the condition? List a minimum of 3.

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What are the objective findings (exam findings that you can measure, ex: tachypnea) associated with the condition? List a minimum of 3.

How is the diagnosis determined or confirmed?
What factors do you need to consider in selecting the best medication for the patient with the condition?

List 3 medication treatment options for the condition in the OUTPATIENT setting (cite with appropriate guidelines or scholarly, peer-reviewed journals).

List the mechanism of action for each drug.
List 3 potential adverse responses associated with each drug.

List 3 medication teaching points for each drug prescribed.

Scholarly Support Source is published within the last 3 years (2016-2020)
Reference list is provided and in-text citations match

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