TERM PAPER ON USE OF FORCE DUE 11/01/20 BEFORE MIDNIGHT Each student will be required to do a 7-10-page paper (NOT INCLUDING THE COVER OR REFERENCE SHEET) examining in detail police-related incident(s) involving the USE OF FORCE. Each student will have the opportunity to choose the police use of force incident; however, the state in which the event is in will be randomly drawn by your instructor.
Some states are submitted in double or even triplicate to allow students to possibly cover some of the controversial use-of-force incidents of today’s modern society
Grades for TERM PAPER will reflect the content, organization, grammar, spelling, original thought, conceptual usage, proper use of APA format, citations and clarity, and creativity (i.e., political cartoons, graphs, images.). The following must be covered on student’s term papers IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER ONLY. EVERY SECTION OF YOUR TERM PAPER MUST BE MARKED, SECTION 1, SECTION 2, SECTION 3, ETC…
SECTION 1: (Coversheet) Proper APA title sheet with the name of the state you are covering. The incident you are referring to. The date incident should be on the cover sheet and a title that you invented of your term paper, i.e., “The tale of on two cities,” instructor’s name our class title, (PSC-324), and finally the date of submission.
SECTION 2: The following information will also be added to your term paper ONLY IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER., IF THE ORDER IS NOT FOLLOWED YOU WILL LOSS POINTS AND IF THE INFORMATION IS LOCATED IN ONE OF THE OTHER SECTIONS YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY POINTS FOR THE WORK.: Brief introduction introducing your term paper and flowing into the following information: cities/state population and demographical breakdown, the value of a home, the per-capita income per household, the average size of a family, education, what are the poverty rate of the city, state, or village you are covering compared to the state. You are required to use a minimum of 5 sources and cite every source in APA style. WIKIPEDIA IS NOT AN OFFICIAL AND CREDIBLE SOURCE TO CITE. IF ANY STUDENT USES WIKI, I WILL IMMEDIATELY DEDUCT POINTS ON THE CITE SECTION. 10
SECTION 3: The following information is required on the police department you are covering: how old is the police department, what is the size of the police department you are covering, what is the geographical size of coverage area, the ethical and rational breakdown of the police department, the men to women ratio; what’s the rank structure, salary, retirement plan, and finally you will answer the question; does this department represent the general population of the people that they are governing in their state, city, village, etc.,?. Also, indicate if ethical police conduct established protocols such as Internal Affairs, Office of Professional Conduct, etc. (which is the case 99.9 % of the time, so please add it to your term paper)? What is there contact information to report both negative and positive behavior? Does the department you have chosen have a Use-of-Force-Continuum? If they do, please demonstrate the continuum via chart (again, 99.9% of all police departments have a continuum, so please tell the instructor a little about the use of force practices).
SECTION 4: Regarding the body of your term paper, the following is expected: A USE-OF-FORCE INCIDENT/SCANDAL MUST BE COVERED. Simply put, the police must have used FORCE. Whether that’s physical (hands), chemical (pepper spray), impact weapons (ASP, baton), or Firearm (gun), there are all considered FORCE and can be used for this term paper. The only level of force that can’t be used in this term paper is VERBAL. First, students must identify the use of force incident, describe/provide a brief synopsis of the event, including a little history if possible (i.e., police have been called to the location several times. The subject is known to police from previous encounters.
SECTION 5: Students must address any of the many class terms within their term paper but are subject to mention a minimum of 5 and articulate that you know what the terms mean, and how the terms relate to your scandal. Students have to bring their incident to a conclusion and address the following questions within their term paper. Where is this case currently, could this incident, in your opinion, could have been handled a bit differently or was it handled appropriately? Did race and ethnic group divisions play a role in the incident? Did the media play a role in your opinion, was the use of force continuum followed and did it even matter if it wasn’t? What anyone terminated? Were lawsuits filed? Did the police department develop a new policy? Was there a change in management? Finally, where are we today after the incident, has something been gained from the event like a revamp of the police department units or personnel? SECTION 6: Finally, your conclusion, what is your opinion on the incident, and how would you have handled the situation if you were the executive in charge, would you have done anything differently? SECTION 7: A property constructed reference sheet in APA style

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