Comp 1120
Since it first started to come to public attention only two decades ago, the Internet has exploded in popularity and become a seamless part of our daily lives, revolutionizing human communication in the process. But while there’s general agreement that the internet has revolutionized human communication, there’s a lot less agreement about whether this revolution has been good or bad for democracy. At a time when the digital revolution has transformed virtually every aspect of human communication – including the kinds of information we have access to as democratic citizens – it’s never been more important to ask whether the internet is strengthening or weakening our democracy. For this practice assignment, answer the following questions in 250 words or more, and upload the document to the assignments area in week one.
What were computers like in the 1950s and ’60s? How were they viewed by the general public?
What happened to the use of computers once the internet took off? In what fundamental way did the internet change how people had been using computers up to that point?
Briefly summarize the contrasting positions of internet skeptics and celebrants. What are some of the main differences between them on the question of the internet and democracy?
If you had to choose, would you consider yourself more of an internet celebrant or a skeptic? On balance, do you think the internet does more to help or hurt democracy? Explain your reasoning.
You will choose a big question to explore that pertains to your major, community, or academic discipline. The film Digital Disconnect asks the question “Is the internet good or bad for democracy?” What question might you like to explore this term through your research and writing in English 1120?

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