19th Century Cultural Evolution In The 21st Century

19th Century Cultural Evolution In The 21st Century

Choose one of the important people of the 19th century cultural evolution. It could be Durkheim, Marx or Weber which you have researched. Write a 3-4 page paper, excluding the title and reference pages, with a detailed analysis that addresses the following:

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19th Century Cultural Evolution In The 21st Century
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Imagine this person works for an international banking organization during the 19th century. He has been asked to research some of the cultural issues that his/her bank is currently facing in the 19th century. Identify and explain some of these issues and challenges faced by the person you have identified from the 19th century. Now compare this same banker if he/she were in the 21st century.

You will need to research the university library to identify important people of the 21st century and discuss how their theories contributed to the modern world and have influenced the behaviors of leadership and managers. Include the issues facing the banker in the 21st century.

How were the issues different in the 19th century compared to those in the 21st century? Be sure to include what their theories were and the issues they covered.

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