Social Media and their views on Forensic Psychology.

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Social Media and their views on Forensic Psychology.
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For this assignment, you will enter a discussion post which demonstrates your look at the professional associations and organizations in the field in the current culture. This means you should seek out and follow twitter or facebook feeds relevant to forensic psychology for 24 hours. For example, the American Psychology-Law Society or the Corrections Committee or the American-Law Society, ATSA, or the Alliance for International Risk Research can all be found on facebook. Some twitter feeds relevant to forensic psychology include: apls41, makesocietysafe, crimepsychblog or clinforensicpsy. Then, in your post, you will discuss the trends and current events that you viewed.

Alternative assignment if you do not or cannot view social media: Please conduct research on social media trends as related to the field of forensic psychology and write a discussion post, including references, which demonstrates what you have learned related to the dissemination of research through social media platforms.

Length: 200-300 words

Your post should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Post your discussion by clicking on Start a New Thread and then click the Post button when you have completed your response.

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