Shuler’s Model of Nurse Practitioner Practice

1- Select one model from the list ( Shuler’s Model of Nurse Practitioner Practice )
2-read the original source description.

Shuler PA, Davis JE. The Shuler nurse practitioner practice model: A theoretical framework for nurse practitioner clinicians, educators, and researchers, Part 1. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 1993;5:11–18.

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Shuler’s Model of Nurse Practitioner Practice
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Shuler PA, Davis JE. The Shuler nurse practitioner practice model: Clinical application, Part 2. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 1993;5:73–88.

3- Address how well the model meets the following purposes:

a. Helping to organize your beliefs and knowledge about advanced practice nursing

b. Providing structure for research on advanced practice nursing

c. Providing a coherent structure in which concepts important to advanced practice nursing are identified and related to one another

d. Guiding curriculum development for advanced practice nursing

e. Allowing practitioners to see the bigger picture so that they can provide holistic and comprehensive care

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