Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?

You must use specific details, facts, studies, and statistics as evidence.

You will have 3-5 primary claims (talking points) that support your position.

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Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?
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You must use transitional phrases to smoothly move through your 3-5 claims.

You must have a clear and identifiable thesis that addresses your topic and position.

You must use consistent in-text MLA citations and signal phrases. A mix of both is best.

You must have works cited page listing all of your sources correctly

You must have at least four properly cited, incorporated, and explained direct quotes. No dropped quotes!

You may NOT have more than one long quote. If you do have a long quote, it must be formatted correctly following MLA guidelines.

You must have a title that grabs the readers’ attention.

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