Literature Review

Chapter 2 Literature Review (3000 words)


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2.1 Introduction


2.2 What is housing with support? (500 words)


2.3 What are the unique features of housing with support? (500 words)

The key components of housing with support are:

Purpose-built, accessible building design that promotes independent living.

Lifetime adaptable homes that are of a size that supports ageing at home (ageing in place) and promotes quality of life.

Fully self-contained properties where occupants have their own front doors.

Assisted technology incorporated into the scheme design with all homes having broadband and a basic ‘telecare’ package installed, for use when and if required. Safety and security built into the design, with fob or person-controlled entry.

Communal space where tenants can mix with others, meet and make new friends, eat and socialise, access specialist activities.

An office for use by staff serving the scheme and sometimes the wider community.

Access to care and support services on site with a facility for emergency services.

The inclusion of multifunctional room(s) that allow for a range of activities, visiting hairdresser, chiropodist, doctor or nurse, for both tenants and older people in the community.


2.4 What role does housing with support play in relation to the provision of housing for older people? (700 words)

Research carried out for the Housing Agency and ISAX in 2016: ‘Housing for Older People – Thinking Ahead’ identified a gap in the provision of housing for older people that allows older people to live independently, but possibly with some level of additional support. The research highlighted that there was an insufficient choice of different housing options for older people to suit them as they age, and that, in particular, “new homes with a sliding scale of attendant services (Independent Living with Care) are less well catered for.”

A collaborative pilot Demonstrator Project is currently being developed in Dublin that will develop a Housing with Supports scheme with supports on site. This project is involving Dublin City Council, Circle VHA, ALONE, the HSE and the Departments of Health and Housing under the Rebuilding Ireland Programme.



2.5 How is housing with support currently funded? (750 words)

2.5.1 What are the costs (construction and operational)

2.5.2 What are the different funding options (public private and mixed

2.5.3 Internationally

2.5.4 Nationally

At the moment this type of housing is mainly financed via the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG) through the funding mechanisms of Capital Assistance Scheme (CAS), Capital Advance Leasing Facility (CALF), Payment and Availability (P&A). Funding for social housing also comes via the Housing Finance Agency (HFA), a company under the auspices of the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government. A limited number of AHBs are awarded Certified Body Status with the HFA. In 2016 the HFA provided AHB loan approvals for the acquisition or development of new homes, including dedicated older persons’ homes.


Pathfinder Inchicore Project


2.6 How might housing with support be funded into the future? (500 words)

2.6.1 Internationally

2.6.2 Nationally



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