Importance of team work in healthcare

For Citation sources parts of all 5 has to be from: New England Institute of technology (Library site).

What is an annotated bibliography?

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An annotated bibliography provides an overview of sources that your have chosen for your research project. Writers frequently create annotated bibliographies to (1) keep a record of their sources (2) remind them of the information ideas and arguments in the source and (3) record the role each source may play in their paper.

An annotated bibliography entry has two main parts:

A reference entry for the book, article, web page, video, or document using the APA style.
The annotation- the summary and evaluation of the work.
How do I complete my annotated bibliography?

Your Goal:Your annotated bibliography will contain a total of 5-6 entries. Each entry should be written in paragraph form and approximately 8 sentences in length.

Follow this format:

An annotated bibliography includes bibliographic information on each source and a summary and reflection of each of the sources.

Begin with the bibliographic information: The bibliographic information of the source Provide a complete source citation following APA guidelines.
Next, write your annotation. Your annotation will be a paragraph of approximately 8-10 sentences in length that summarizes and reflects on the source.

Summarize: Your annotation will begin with a summary of the source. What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book, article, or website? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say?
Reflection: Once you’ve summarized and assessed a source, you need to ask how it fits into your research. Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about your topic?
Example Annotation:

Stone,B. (2014).The master of the wind. Newsweek 144(12), E 34.

In the Master of the wind, Brad Stone profiles Jim Lewis, who owns Clipper Windpower. Lewis explains that implementation of wind power has been difficult, with the main obstacle being cost. Lewis believes that wind power will not fully succeed without a proactive approach from the government. The article presents a cost analysis comparing relative costs of electricity generated from fossil fuels with that generated by wind. This source was extremely helpful. It opened my eyes to the financial aspect of this undertaking, I will probably us this article to illustrate the economic and environmental trade-offs of wind power.

Source Citation Summary Reflection

Finally, format your entries
Use one-inch margins on all sides; note “space before” and “space after” should be set to zero.
Double space your entries;
Alphabetize each entry;
Hanging indents are required for citations;
On the line after the citation, indent two additional spaces and write the annotation.

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