ICT Change Management

I have a test and I need someone to be online direct with me during the test. The subject is (ICT Change Management). it’s only 45 mints test from session 1 to 4 and i already sent the details. the test on Wednesday 4th of November around 8am Sydney time (Tuesday 3rd of November around 5pm New York time) so I need the tutor to be online with me during the test.


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ICT Change Management
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More info:

1- The Test will cover content from session 1 to 4.

2- The test length: 40 – 45 minutes.

3- Number of questions: 4 to 5 questions.

4- The test will be theory. questions based on the scenario.

5- the test on Wednesday around 8am Sydney time (Tuesday 5pm New York time) so you going to be online with me during the test

6- The unit learning outcome(s) assessed is/are:

A- LO 1 Analyse key factors involved in ICT change management;

B- LO 2 Plan and develop ICT change management strategies and skills;


Please note:

This is a test NOT assignment and I don’t know how many pages going to be. All I know it is scenario and there will be 4 to 5 questions based on the scenario.

The test on Wednesday 4th of November around 8am Sydney time (Tuesday 3rd of November around 5pm New York time) so I need the tutor to be online with me during the test.

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