How is housing with support for seniors funded in Ireland?

This is a literature for a dissertation question. It is chapter 2 and should be 3000 words. The dissertation is “How is housing with support for seniors funded in Ireland?
It is for a final year degree in property studies in ireland.


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How is housing with support for seniors funded in Ireland?
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I have help to structure it and have started chapter 1 but will require a little help for methodology which will be semi structured interviews with key stakeholders and case study of age friendly housing with support model in inchicore, Dublin plus also look at Uk Model. It is mostly social funded at the moment but would like to explore public private partnership with a mix of all senior tenants too.

I can attach the structure for chapter 2 and some literature plus can send on a sample of a literature review that my mentor sent me but it is far too long and is uk not ireland.

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